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September 13, 2010

Downward Slide to Winter

Filed under: Containers,Fall,Flowers,Our gardens — Judy @ 9:44 pm

The nights are getting cooler, the air is softer, the sky is bluer, the plants are slowing their growth, and I’m doing containers with fall colors.

Fall container

We are definitely on the downward slide towards winter and a well-deserved rest from the wonderful growing season we have had this year. The fast and furious early growth in the spring followed by heat and periodic drenching, well-timed rains this summer has given new meaning to the word “lush” around these parts.

Fall container

Even the daylilies that usually go to a very lovely shade of dead fall brown after they finish blooming are throwing up lots of strappy green growth again. But the signs that winter is just around the corner are definitely there. Yes, there will be some more warm days and plenty of sunshine to come and I will soak up all that I can before settling in for the cold winds of winter.

Fall container

The Canadian geese are flying around practicing their vee-formations and the pools will be closed before the colorful leaves start drifting down.

Fall container

The last hurrah for the 2010 growing season is fast approaching! Are you ready?

August 29, 2010

Garden Fragrance

Filed under: Flowers,Our gardens,Summer — Judy @ 11:04 am

I love fragrance in the garden! Unfortunately, it seems that many of the new introductions don’t have the wonderful smells of the older varieties. The August lily or hosta plantaginea is blooming like crazy now in my garden.

Hosta plantaginea

Hosta plantaginea, Heuchera 'Brownies', Athyrium nipponicum var. pictum

This plant was a “passalong” from my Mom’s garden and smelling it always makes me think of gardening together with her. She had it tucked in a corner under those huge spruces and facing down a dry-stacked flat river rock wall. Besides its fragrance, this hosta variety is unusual for its huge white trumpet flowers in late summer, very much unlike those squeaky purple flowers on wimpy stalks blooming earlier in the summer on most hostas. Hosta plantaginea, also called plantain lily, originated in China, was imported to England in 1790, and then to America. And here’s another factoid for you, its flowers open in the late afternoon as opposed to early morning for usual hostas. And not only that, but after the deer nibbled it off this Spring, it has been flushing new leafy growth all summer.

The daylily ‘Double Charm’ is another favorite of mine. I have this situated where its fragrance greets me as I enter the pool area. More favorite yellow daylilies with fragrance in my garden are ‘Hyperion’ and the true lemon lily, H. lilioasphodelus, formerly H. flava. The latter is very early-blooming, named by Linnaeus in 1762, but apparently dates back to at least 1570.

Double Charm Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Double Charm'

One plant that I like to use in my container plantings is the tough, stand-up-to-client-not watering, colorful lantana. Known also to Linnaeus way back when, the foliage is the fragrant part on this plant. You don’t smell it unless you brush the leaves lightly. I’m not sure whether this smell has been favorably altered in the modern varieties because searches on the Internet variously describe it as anywhere from cat pee to oniony to camphor-like, but I would describe it as citrusy with a hint of sage.


Lantana 'Lucky Red Flame'

And then, of course, there are always the roses. Although not older introductions, my fragrant favorites at the moment, ‘Abbaye de Cluny’ and the ‘Radsunny’ Knockout rose.

Abbaye de Cluny rose

Rosa 'Abbaye de Cluny'

Radsunny Knockout rose

Rosa 'Radsunny Knockout'

Then there are the phlox, and the clethras, and the . . . What fragrant plants do you have in your gardens now?

July 30, 2010

Roses and Thorns

Filed under: Flowers,Miscellaneous — Judy @ 5:27 pm

Ahh, the roses of summer! They smell so sweet.

Abbaye de Cluny rose

Rosa 'Abbaye de Cluny'

Now that they have gotten past the onslaught of Japanese beetles, they are looking good basking in the warm (read that, hot!) air and drinking up all that rain from last week.

Morden blush rose

Rosa 'Morden Blush'

They bring a smile to my face, reminding me that there are still wonderful things around me to savor.

Radsunny Knockout rose

Rosa 'Radsunny Knockout'

They need a little attention and care every now and then, but when they perform – ooh, how wonderful!


Unknown Rose

This reminds me of some of my clients. Some of them are wonderful like the roses. They ask questions, they water their plants or they put in watering systems to help them, they let you know that things are looking fabulous and thank you for your work, and then they pay you promptly.

Then there are others that are like the thorns and you wonder just why they are allowed to have gardens.


Rose thorns

These thorny clients are ones that don’t hear you when you tell them which plants need extra attention with watering because they are new or in dry conditions, or that splash water with a hose (or have someone else do it similarly) occasionally over the top of the plants (containers, in particular), and then wonder why the plants are dying or even dead. Sometimes in their zeal in neaten things up, power pruners are taken to the shrubs or peonies cutting off all the flowers or potential flowers to get those nice round balls! Have you ever seen a peony plant trimmed like a ball?! Horrific! And what about never saying the work I did looks nice (or doesn’t look nice, whichever) or thanking me, or sometimes paying a month or six weeks or more later, but continuing to want more and more done. Thorns.

But, at the end of the day, one must take the thorns to get the roses!

July 27, 2010


Filed under: Containers,Flowers,Miscellaneous,Our gardens,Summer,Veggies — Judy @ 10:44 pm
Hummingbird moth

Hummingbird moth on butterfly bush

Here it is almost the end of July! So far, so good! It has been a good growing year with heat and rains coming at just the right time here. The growth of the plants has been wonderful and they are lush. We’ve been harvesting peppers, cukes, lettuce, blueberries, raspberries, and 66 luscious bulbs of garlic to dry.


Veggies and Fruit!

Of course, the amount of rain over three days last week amounted to a little over 5 inches! Unexpected, and a bit much for some of the plants to handle. During a break in the downpours, I slogged through the soggy lawn to check on the vegetable garden. To my surprise, the peaches had this clear, oozy, jelly-like substance on them and my first thought was that there was a huge infestation of bugs and that was the result (sorry, no pictures). After searching the internet, I learned a new term – guttation. There had been so much water that the peaches were unable to absorb it properly and ended up exuding the excess in this sticky stuff. When I checked later in the day, it was gone! Yay!

And the containers are exploding with color!

Urns with begonias

Dragonwing Pink begonias, coleus, fuchsia, and sweet potato vine

Ceramic mixed flower containers

Sweet potato vines, coleus, verbena, petunias, gaura, calibrochoa, pennisetum, solanum jasminoides vine

Low urn with mixed flowers

Petunias, lantana, Diamond Frost euphorbia, verbena, sweet potato vine

Tall urn with mixed flowers

Gaura, petunias, verbena, Diamond Frost euphorbia, lantana, sweet potato vine

Aren’t they exuberant now? It’s getting to be a jungle out there!

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