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March 31, 2009

Spring Peepers

Filed under: Creatures — Judy @ 1:33 pm

Yes!!! Spring is definitely here – I heard the peepers last night! Growing up in the floodplain of the Allegheny River, we often heard their deafening chorus – it was one of the magical rites of spring. But here in suburbia, I don’t hear those teeny guys so much. It has been fairly warm and it rained yesterday, just the formula for peepers to emerge from hibernation and activate their vocal sacs to attract mates. I’m not a frog (although I do have a seester we nicknamed Froggie at one point), but I know I was attracted! Google ‘spring peeper’ for more info. Wikipedia, that mecca of internet information/misinformation, does have a sound track of their chorus in case you don’t have the real thing nearby.

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